Under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, Lotus Cars Limited (Lotus Cars) and Lotus Technology Innovative Limited (Lotus Technology) are classed as battery producers in the UK. We are therefore each required to be registered with the Government as part of an EU-wide initiative to increase battery collection/recycling and completely prohibit the landfill/incineration of automotive and industrial batteries.
Lotus Cars’ battery producer registration number is BPRN 00146 and Lotus Technology’s battery producer registration number is BPRN 10506.
When a “starter” (automotive) battery or an industrial battery (used as a power source in electric or hybrid vehicles), reaches the end of its life and needs to be recycled, you have a number of options, as detailed below.
As a producer of automotive batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, Lotus Cars is obliged to collect, free of charge and within a reasonable time, waste automotive batteries for treatment and recycling from final holders e.g. garages, scrap yards, end-of-life vehicle Authorised Treatment Facilities, Civic Amenity Sites, etc.
If you require us to take back any automotive batteries, please contact Lotus Cars (+44 (0)1603 732182). We will agree the necessary arrangements for the collection, proper treatment and recycling of your waste automotive batteries.
In addition to the procedure detailed above for the starter (automotive) battery in the Evija, as a producer of lithium-ion industrial batteries for the Evija, Lotus Cars will take back waste industrial batteries supplied to an end-user for treatment and recycling at no cost to you. If you are in possession of one or more industrial batteries for recycling, Lotus Cars offer collection of industrial batteries at an agreed location, to make it as convenient as possible. Simply contact Lotus Cars (+44 (0)1603 732182) to schedule collection.
As a producer of automotive and industrial batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, Lotus Technology is obliged to collect, free of charge and within a reasonable time, waste automotive and industrial batteries for treatment and recycling from final holders e.g. garages, scrap yards, end-of-life vehicle Authorised Treatment Facilities, Civic Amenity Sites, etc.
If you require us to take back any automotive batteries, please contact Lotus Technology (+44 (0)3300 948 047) and we will agree the necessary arrangements for the collection, proper treatment and recycling of your waste automotive batteries. If you are in possession of one or more industrial batteries for recycling, Lotus Technology offer collection of industrial batteries at an agreed location, to make it as convenient as possible. Simply contact your local Lotus authorised dealer (Lotus Centres Search) or contact us at +44 (0)3300 948 047 to schedule collection.
To comply with the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Regulations in the UK, Lotus Cars have appointed CartakeBack.com Ltd to provide last owners of qualifying end of life Lotus vehicles with access to a natinal network of Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs). Cartakeback ATFs will provide last owners with an official DVLA Certificate of Destruction and ensure that vehicles are de-polluted and disposed of in a legal and environmentally sound manner.
For more information or to find your nearest Authorised Treatment Facility, please visit the cartakeback website at www.cartakeback.com.
For all other markets outside UK please contact your nearest authorised Lotus Centre who will be happy to accept your Lotus ELV.